Daily Bible Verses

John 8:31 - 36

Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

They answered Him, “We are Abraham’s descendants, and have never been in bondage to anyone. How can You say, ‘You will be made free’?”

Jesus answered them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin. And a slave does not abide in the house forever, but a son abides forever. Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.


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Please join us as we worship God, remember the sacrifice of His son, edify, exhort and study the Bible.

“And seeing the multitudes, He went up on a mountain, and when He was seated His disciples came to Him. 2 Then He opened His mouth and taught them, saying: ...”

Matthew 5:1-2


By Jay H. Graham

From the Chapel Glen Church of Christ Bulletin

As a second introduction to Jesus’ “Sermon on the Mount”, consider the magnitude of these various teachings. Consider the scope of them. Just glance through Matt 5-7 and note the many topics Jesus addressed. My particular publication of the Scriptures does make it easier to do this, for it is published in paragraph form, and each paragraph contains a separate thought and teaching. Jesus will cover a number of very important topics, each of which, would help those listening to know much more of what their God wanted from them. We are talking about every-day topics that these new christians would require in order to offer their lives as living sacrifices. Topics such as the various Beatitudes in Mat 5:1-10. These each are very important issues of the heart, for that is where all things start, either good or bad. They start in the heart and work outward as they help form actions.

In chapter 5:11-12, Jesus is speaking directly to those christians who would be persecuted and reviled. How they would be maligned falsely for His Name’s sake. He tells them to “rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for their reward for their faithfulness would be in Heaven. I am reminded of those in Revelation 7:13-17 who were severely persecuted for preaching the name of Jesus Christ. As we continue in this modern era, we 21st century christians might need to recall such admonitions, for this may be coming on the horizon against all those who stand for the Lord’s Truths.

These topics include how christians would be both salt and light to a dark world. How christians would add substance and “flavor” to a world of sin and wickedness. They include how sin and righteousness begin in the hearts and is seen through our actions. Among these many topics they speak of the importance of loving our enemies. He talks about marriage, which is a topic christians of all ages would need to better understand.

Jesus talks about doing good, even to our enemies, and praying for them as well. Imagine that! Praying for our enemies as Stephen did in Acts 7:54-60. Stehen’s is a really good example of the practical result of accepting the Lord’s teachings. Perhaps Stephen was among this multitude listening to the Master?

He talks about praying to the Father with humble spirits. Jesus points out prayer is not for show nor to glorify men. It is real, for its need is real. It is our primary way to communicate to our Father in Heaven!

Jesus talks about fasting and how it should never be done for show. Fasting has real purposes and for real circumstances. Paul and Barnabas used fasting when they were preparing to appoint elders in Acts 14:21-23. Jesus teaches on laying up treasures in Heaven rather on then on this earth and why those spiritual treasures are preferable, for they are really the only things that will last beyond this physical existence. Jesus teaches on the “lamp of the body”, the danger of worrying and the danger of judging falsely and with hypocrisy. Jesus teaches on the one “narrow way” to Heaven as opposed to the wide way to destruction. He teaches on the true fruits of our lives. Jesus teaches on the danger of claiming to be of the Lord, and yet not truly seeking His will for our lives. Jesus closes this sermon with the beautiful parable of building our house on the Rock and not on sand. I do find it interesting that Jesus begins this sermon with the beatitudes of the heart, and He closes it with this beautiful parable about building our lives of the true one foundation that is worthy—Jesus Christ as the Only Son of God.

These topics are everyday topics and concerns. Their scope reaches all of our complete lives, if we desire to be saved in the end. What glorious lessons, indeed! May we take from these various topics, apply them and teach them to others who are looking for His righteousness and Ways, without which, we can never be saved. May God grant us wisdom as we address these topics in the coming weeks. May God be glorified and may we be saved in the end!

Meeting Times

Lord's Day Services

9:30AM Bible Study

10:30AM Worship Service

6PM Evening Service

Wednesday Evening

7PM Bible Study

Lord's Day

Morning Service

May 5, 2024

Bible Study: Galatians 3

Announcements: Connie Edwards

Reading: Grant Madison

Lord's Table: Dave Halt

Exhortation: Mike Kirby

News & Upcoming Events:

May 19 Congregation Group Picture

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