“Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue...”

2 Peter 1:2-3


By Jay H. Graham

From the Chapel Glen Church of Christ Bulletin

I was listening to a radio show this morning. The theme of this particular show was in regard to what questions we might have if we were guaranteed an answer. Many of the questions the host and the callers had were about God and if there is an afterlife. We are talking about questions like, “Is there a God?”, “What does he want from me?”, “How did the Universe begin?”, “What happens after this life?” and “Is there a final judgment?”

These are certainly valid questions that we should ask. Our Creator did indeed make us curious beings, and there is certainly nothing wrong with that in itself. The problem is questions such as these have already been answered, but many people do not like the answers. They are in the Word of God, but many people do not like what the Word of God says. Many act as if the Holy Scriptures have no answers to these very important questions. Not because the answers are not within our purview but because many do not like the answers our Creator has provided. They require answers they agree with. Maybe the Scriptures and the questions they answer are too simple?

Several verses teach us God has given unto us every bit of information that is important to our spiritual existence. He has given us many answers to our physical existence, but He has given us everything we need to know to feed what our spiritual lives so desperately require. He has given us “all things pertaining to life and godliness.” What more do we require?

Yes, even within the context of what the Bible contains there are certainly still questions we may have and may feel are unanswered. But these questions we may feel are left unanswered are not really important or needful to our responding to our Create in the manner He requires. And that is really the crux of the matter. Many, perhaps most, do not like that our Creator does expect us to live and act in a way that He knows is best for our spirits and ultimately, eternal salvation.

There is a reason why the Bible and its messages are under attack. No one is arguing about Tolstoy’s “Lord of the Rings” series or about the validity of Tom Clancy’s novels or the impact of People Magazine or the vast majority of books written by mere man. I believe that is because these books of man do not require repentance and submission to a Creator. Writings such as these are for entertainment purposes rather than information about Godliness.

The Word of God has been increasingly under attack as being “outdated” and “archaic” and needing to be written in a manner that is more “consistent” and “in line” with our modern beliefs, especially in regard to morality. The Word of God speaks of “sin”, and many today do not wish to be reminded of such “old fashioned nonsense”. My guess is that if the Word of God actually said nothing about sin and the need for man to repent people would love it!

But the Word of God has many uncomfortable messages. Therefore, it is dismissed as being “irrelevant” too modern times. The answers it provides to the important questions in regard to our lives are ignored. They are not the answers many people do not wish to hear for many of the reason already written in this article.

God’s Word teaches of absolute Truths. Ironically enough, the Truths it provides and that most refuse, are truly the only Truths that count.

As I was listening to this show I was saddened to hear these questions asked as if there were no answers. I think the questions were heart-felt by people who truly wanted answers, but they wanted answers that they liked and agreed with rather than the absolute Truths the Word of God had already answered.

The good news is that the Word of God is made available for those truly seeking answers to their lives. It is written for those willing to acknowledge their own frailties. It is written for those with humble and sincere hearts willing to acknowledge a need to change their lives to more closely fit what their Creator wants from them. May we always be willing to accept the answers our Creator has given to us.

Psalms 69:32 - The humble shall see this and be glad; And you who seek God, your hearts shall live.

Psalms 34:17-18 - The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears, and delivers them out of all their troubles. The LORD is near to those who have a broken heart, And saves such as have a contrite spirit.

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